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Introducing JetPROX™

The world’s first inkjet-printable proximity card

  • Synthetic paper material is more durable than PVC
  • Customizable with a standard inkjet printer
  • Multiple security features available

JetPROX from IDenticard is the world’s first proximity identification card that can be custom printed using an inkjet printer. JetPROX advances the time-tested JetPak™ card system, allowing customers to print their own custom ID cards using a common inkjet printer instead of a pricey PVC printer. JetPROX outperforms standard PVC prox cards for access control in several key ways:

  • Durability: JetPROX is made of a strong synthetic paper substance that holds color and detail well while also being far more durable than PVC. Laboratory tests prove it.
  • Versatility: Most PVC prox cards come in one size, limiting the scope of their use. However, JetPROX is available in the three most-common identification card sizes: credit card (2-1/8” x 3-3/8”), data collection (2-5/16” x 3-1/4”) and government ID (2-5/8” x 3-7/8”).


JetPROX is ideal for hospitals, office buildings, government entities and other organizations looking to streamline their access control and identification solutions.

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