White adhesive non-expiring badge (thermal printable)

Item #: 04050
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Product Description

This plain white adhesive badge is the perfect solution for those who want a thermal printable badge that doesn't expire. Compatible with the TEMPbadge BP4 direct thermal printer, this adhesive badge is easy to issue and perfect for both short- and long-term visitors.

While our TEMPbadge expiring visitor badges are a fantastic Visitor Management solution, we understand that not all sites require an expiring badge; in some cases, a standard badge will do. With that in mind, we offer this standard adhesive badge, one that is easy to issue and easy to personalize with the TEMPbadge BP4 direct thermal printer.

To issue, simply print the visitor's information on the badge and attach it to the wearer, or attach it to one of our reusable card backs and secure it to the wearer with a plastic clip.

This non-expiring badge and the BP4 printer are both compatible with WhosOnLocation web-based Visitor Management software. Both can be used with the TEMPbadge Visitor Management System as well.

  • This badge doesn't expire, making it useful for short and long term visitors
  • Adhesive back allow for easy attachment
  • Compatible with the TEMPbadge™ BP4 direct thermal badge printer

Discounts are available for large quantities. Contact us for details.
