TEMPbadge® Non-Expiring Visitor Badge Log Book (500 badges)

Item #: 05751
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Product Description

TEMPbadge™ non-expiring visitor badge log books are a perfect choice for those seeking a simple Visitor Management solution. These log books feature 500 individual visitor badges that an organization can issue on an as-needed basis — no software or computer required!

Each badge can be customized with a pen, pencil or marker. The information written on each badge is copied to a sheet of transfer paper below for easy record-keeping. These log books are great for organizations that want to add basic Visitor Management to their site but aren't ready to invest in a full-scale system.

  • Each badge has 50 pages with 10 badges per page for a total of 500 badges
  • Custom non-expiring log books are available as well (SKU C05751)
