YMCKO ribbons are among the most commonly used PVC ID card printer ribbons. This half-panel YMCKO ribbon takes the standard YMCKO ribbon and, as the name suggests, splits it in half! Half-panel YMCKO ribbons contain yellow, magenta and cyan panels that are half the size of standard panels; this means the color imagery will only be printed on one half of the card.
This process is ideal for those looking to put a photo or graphic on one half of the card only, or for those seeking to imprint a design that only covers part of the card's area. In these cases, half-panel ribbons get the job done without the waste involved with using a full YMCKO ribbon.
This Zebra ZXP Series 3 printer ribbon also features full panels of black and a protective overlay, allowing users to print variable data like names and titles in all areas of the card.
This ribbon features 400 imprints.